Voice your opinion on tea sustainability

Image credit: Bitaco Tea

Tea & Coffee Trade Journal and Firsd Tea collaborated in late 2021/early 2022 to create what we believed to be the ‘first of its kind’ tea survey to gauge perceptions of sustainability in the global tea industry.

T&CTJ, in conjunction once again with Firsd Tea, invites you to add your voice to the 2nd Annual Tea Sustainability Perspectives survey. This survey gauges perceptions of sustainability in the tea industry among business leaders in the tea, coffee and cocoa sectors. It covers social, economic, and environmental issues associated with sustainability.

“The previous survey was a critical mirror for us in the tea industry. This year we want to be aware of any incremental gains or be watchful for any potential regressions. We can then fine-tune our shared actions in a united effort for the betterment of all people, the planet, and the tea plant that is so dear to each of us,” said Jason Walker, marketing director, Firsd Tea North America.

The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The deadline has been extended to 31 August 2023.

For every completed response, a contribution will be donated to 1% for the Planet, an international organisation whose members contribute at least one percent of their annual sales to environmental causes. Their mission is to “build, support and activate an alliance of businesses financially committed to creating a healthy planet.”

Access the survey here.

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