SCA now accepting submissions for Best New Product and Coffee Design Awards
The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) is now accepting submissions for the Best New Product Competition and Display, and the Coffee Design Awards taking place at Specialty Coffee Expo in the city of New Orleans, 30 September – 3 October 2021.
Best New Product Competition and Display
All submissions will be placed on permanent digital display on the New in Coffee platform. Submissions are open to Specialty Coffee Expo 2021 exhibitors from 30 June 2021 and close on 13 August 2021.
Competition categories include:
- Coffee Accessories
- Commercial Coffee Preparation and Serving Equipment
- Commericial Cold Brew Preparation and Serving Equipment
- Consumer Coffee Preparation and Serving Equipment (Electrical)
- Consumer Coffee Preparation and Serving Equipment (Non-Electrical)
- Open Class
- Roasting Equipment and Tools
- Specialty Coffee Beverage Flavor Additive
- Specialty Non-Coffee Beverage Stand Alone
- Technology
More information about Best New Product is available on the event website at new-product-competition.
Coffee Design Awards
Great design serves an important function in distinguishing specialty coffee. The Coffee Design Awards celebrates innovation in design in four categories: coffee spaces, branding, coffee vessels, and packaging. All submissions to the Coffee Design Awards will be placed on permanent display on the Design in Coffee platform. Submissions are open from June 30, 2021 and close August 13, 2021. The Coffee Design Awards 2021 Packaging category is sponsored by TricorBraun Flex.
More information about the Coffee Design Awards is available on the event website at